Friday, 27 January 2012



Sachin Childhood,Career & Family Photos...

Sachin Childhood Photos... Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar, the most famous cricketer ever was born on April 24, 1973 in Mumbai. Sachin With His Father Ramesh TendulkarSachin Cricket Career Sachin And Kambli During Practice His childhood idol in sport is John McEnroe, and this early photo reveals his interest in tennis. Sachin During InterSchool Match Sachin With Ajit Ranade Match Against Don Bosco Coach Achrekar And Sachinsachin's century during interschool matchesSachin At the Age Of 12 Guyles Shield Winning team sachin holding palm beach cupsandip patil giving prize to Sachin Sachin With Sports Star Trophy 1987 Sports Star Trophy Winning...

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